This new year article will focus on using $_SESSION and $_COOKIE variables in proces on login user into a application. As first part of our next topics focused on user validation and diferentiation app behavior we will take closer look on signing up and login of page user.
Login mechanism in closer look
In our previeous application of mailer, we used for restricting access in to a specific page only HTTP header authentication mechanism. This approach is very simple but not scale well in larger sites with different pages with partialy or complet access restrictions.
New approach relays on login ability created by login.php script. Login script obtain user login credentials, compare it with those stored in database (passwords can not be stored as plain text, but we store only sha1 hashes and make comparisn with hashes together for deciding about corect or incorrect login).
After succesfull login $_SESSION variables are set. For better persistency there is made combination with $_ COOKIES variable. COOKIES are stored in local users browser and are available only if they are enabled by user, that must be keept in mind.
In all pages are SESSION started in first parts of php code and from COOKIES restore sessions among all pages where login restrictions must be made. In our next article, we take a closer look how limiting or difrentiating page looks for different category of users introduced with category of users database field.
For logout, there is available logout script with mechanism for invalidatin COOKIES and clearing SESSIONS variables.
Creating new users with sign up script
Our application need mechanism for subscribing new users for deeper access in pages for submitting items for sell ore more specific page available only for admin role of user – adminpage.
New user provide username, e-mail and type 2x password. Username must be unique and not used by another user. This mechanism is implemented in sql query but in our approach not in UNIQUE restriction in database field.
After succesfull login credentials creation, user can log in with existing login script.
Now we can take closer look at mentionied pages.
Sign Up script
User provide from sign up form username, e-mail and password. If username is unique (no unique e-mail is needed, because we can expect different logins of seler for different account with the same e-mail) user login credentials are added and user with role „user“ is introduced into bazar_user database table.
User role grant ability to buy and sell items, but not provide management ability mark items as eligible for visibility on title page of bazaar.
<a class=“navbar-brand“ href=““> Visit us on </a>
Front look at signup page follows.
Login page
Code for loginpage take place only if user is not allready loged in. In this option is not set !isset($_SESSION[‚users_id‘]) . After verfication of login credentials SESSION variables and COOKIES are set for loged in user. Also loed in user is redirected on index.php main page as it contains next code.
// cookie solution echo ‚<p class=“alert alert-success“> You are loged in as ‚ . $_COOKIE[‚username‘]. ‚</p>‘;
echo ‚<br>‘;
echo ‚<p class=“alert alert-success“> You are loged in as <em>‘ . $_SESSION[‚username‘]. ‚</em></p>‘; // session solution
echo ‚<p class=“alert alert-success“> If you will logout or login with anither credentials, please first <a href=“logout.php“>logout!. </a></p>‘;
<div class=“footer“>
<a class=“navbar-brand“ href=““> Visit us on </a>
Next pictures display output on page after difrenet state of login process.
Logout script
Last and shortest code page is logout page. After hitting link for logout, user sessions and cokkies are inmediatly destroyed and user is loged out. Without logout with cookies enabled, user is loged in in browser for 30 days. If brower disables cookies, user is loged in only if sessions are active up to closing browser windows.
In this article we take focus on way how to grant user limited access in to a page resources. This solution uses sessions with suporting role by cookies.
In our next article we will focus how to use session log in information for diferentiating page display for diferent roles of page users (anonymous = unloged, user-s and admin-s).
Full code in as is state can be obtained from github here.
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